Money Market Accounts
Money Market Accounts give the flexibility of a Call Deposit while retaining the high interest rate of a Time Deposit.
The money market account is a current account product tailored to meet customer need for interest earning on their demand deposit.
The Essentials
High interest rates
Flexibility of withdrawing after 7 days
Convenience and fast access for your funds
SWEEP facility between two current accounts
It is mandatory that seven days notice is given prior to withdrawals.
Learn more about money market account
Do you wonder What to do with short term funds in your hands, which you may require at any moment..?
Do you long for an opportunity to earn high interest from your funds while enjoying the flexibility to withdraw whenever you want and deposit whenever you have, part or full..??
Individuals, Proprietorship and Partnership firms, Limited liability Companies, Associations, Clubs, NGO’s etc. can open MMA. It gives you high return on short-term investment and chance to earn maximum on your deposit with us.
Feature of the money market account
- Earn High returns from your idle funds
- Interest is computed on daily balances and credited monthly
- The interest rate applicable for each month is fixed on the first working day of the month.
- The guaranteed minimum interest rate applicable is equivalent to 1 year STD rate, in case the inter Bank Call Money market rate falls below STD rates
- A real time online Internet Banking facility
- Monthly Bank statements dispatched to designated address without any charges.
- Minimum balance to be maintained is BDT 100,000.
Terms & Conditions apply
Product information and terms & conditions are subject to change from time to time. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the branch nearest to you for the latest information and prevailing terms & conditions.
Open an account
Who can open accounts
How to apply
Money Market Accounts
Apply for a Money Market Account
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